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“Landscape” view/much closer view (#2A in series: Epupa Falls, below)


Our vantage point was in northernmost Namibia, as was the southern side of the Kunene River.

The other, northern side – on the photo’s left side is in Angola, where the river is called Cunene.

We were spending day’s end on a hilltop, overlooking Epupa Falls; a few hours earlier we had walked along/among parts of the falls’ Namibian side.

This post’s photo was taken at 6.11 pm on 10 November 2022.

I deployed a short lens, so the image’s field of view and “scale” are pretty much as a human’s naked eyes would see them.

Click here to learn a little about the river and its most celebrated waterfalls; their apparent size and “oomph” are hugely variable, depending on exactly where a human observer is, in relation to them.

Their actual “oomph factor” is hugely variable too, depending on how “high” or “low” is the river; it was relatively low on 10. 11.2022.

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs