Ring-tailed lemurs (pictured above, in Anja National Park) are its emblematic animal.
Parson’s chameleon (pictured below, near Ranomafana) is the world’s biggest chameleon.

We have just returned from the other end of the Indian Ocean, most especially from Madagascar.
For more than half of a century I have wanted to go there; the reality exceeded expectations. (mostly, for a visitor, in good ways – Madagascar’s wildlife and people are wonderful, its music is also extraordinary and beautiful, much of the food is delicious, many landscapes are striking. But also, in troubling ways – this is one of the world’s poorest countries, corruption is rife, environmental devastation is the norm, infrastructure is dire, life expectancy shockingly low)
Much more on Madagascar to come on Pelican Yoga; in almost every case, the animals in question – not a few of them, critically endangered – live only on Madagascar. (just wait until you see the Parson’s tongue in action!)
All photos copyright Doug Spencer, taken in May 2018.
The first of those below shows how water is distributed, in an urban area inhabited by nearly one million people.