Elythranthera – known as “enamel orchids” – is a petite genus, endemic to Western Australia’s southwest.
It has just two species-proper, plus one “recognised” other form.
i think that this post’s heroes are all Elythranthera emarginata – pink enamel orchids.

The other species in this wee genus is Elythranthera brunonis – the purple enamel orchid.
The two species’ hybrid is recognised as Elythranthera x intermedia.
As in increasingly the case in flora circles, some botanists believe that these spectacularly glossy orchids have been wrongly classified.
As I type, however, the “push” to abolish the enamel orchids’ own genus and to place them within Caladenia has not won general agreement/consent.
Click here for more info, plus photo gallery.
I urge you to zoom in on/ enlarge the image below.

Hi Doug, the extreme close up of the enamel orchid shows the intricacies of the plant and the flower.
Great shot. Sharp eye and steady camera (and no breeze).
Happy holidays!
Peace in Gaza. Peace in the West Bank. Peace in Jerusalem. Victory in Ukraine.