With the possible exception of fellow humans, Grey Langurs (aka “Hanuman Langurs” or “Hanuman monkeys”) are the primates you will encounter most often when in or near to any wooded terrain in south India.
Primarily herbivorous, but not exclusively so, Grey Langurs are highly social, very agile – equally so on the ground, and high above it – and are almost always “up to something”.
As with the next mammal to appear in this little series, the fact that they are “common”, so very easy to see, leads certain members of our own species to regard such species as unworthy of humans’ attention and admiration.
Any Australians who are “over” kangaroos and wagtails are thereby sadder/greyer persons.
Ditto visitors to India who do not deign to “waste” their attention on grey langurs, spotted deer, bulbuls, peacocks…et al.
Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken at 8.49 am on 05 March 2023 in Nagarhole Tiger Reserve, Karnataka.