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Old Delhi, May 2024 (#2 in series: Jama Masjid, interior)


Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned what is still Delhi’s greatest mosque.

He was also responsible for Agra’s Taj Mahal.




Jama Masjid, Old Delhi, 10.35 am, 03 May 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.




Outside the day’s designated prayer times, the Jama Masjid welcomes visitors/tourists, provided their attire is “modest” and their behaviour respectful.

Fridays are best-avoided; on every other day your visit is likely to prove uncrowded and rewarding…almost certainly, much more “serene” than the surrounding streets of Old Delhi!

Visiting hours: 7am to midday and 1.30 pm to 6.30 pm.

Humans are not charged a fee, but your camera will incur (an affordable) one.

If your lens is deemed “too long”, it will not be admitted.

Prayer times change, according the solar calendar; a simple google search for “today’s prayer times Jama Masjid Delhi” will yield the necessary details.


Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs


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