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Old Delhi, May 2024, (#7 in series: washing, in the open)



As Charlie Rich most famously sang – in 1973 – no one knows what goes on behind closed doors.

In 2024, even far away from Nashville, those words still hold true.

However, collectively, Old Delhi’s residents’ live a much greater portion of their lives “in the open air/out on the streets” than do people in Nashville…or any “Western” city.

Old Delhi’s air is not very fresh, and its congested streets are often “untidy”, and far from “clean”.

Yet, most residents within a tourist’s sight are conspicuously clean and tidy, as are their clothes.

”How on earth do they manage this?” is surely a question that flashes through most visitors’ heads  – probably, within five minutes of their arrival in India.

Provided those visitors get out into the streets where “ordinary” urban Indians live, the answer to that question will soon be evident…and repeated, often.

Like most in this series, this post’s photo is entirely “candid”, and was shot as “our” rickshaw rattled through Old Delhi, mid-morning on 03 May 2024.



Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs


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