You are looking at Port Adelaide’s most arresting (and “enigmatic”) 21st century structure.
You may be relieved to know that it has nothing to with nuclear power!
As a construction industry journal headline put it, on the 2nd day of February 2023:
Hallett Group erects world’s largest drive-through Domesilo concrete facility
The timing of that story’s publication was exquisitely unfortunate.
On that very day – barely a week after the balloon-like structure’s erection/inflation – it burst, very spectacularly:
As reported in the above video, no persons were physically injured.
Remarkably, only four weeks later, a replacement was safely erected.
Soon thereafter it was successfully lined/reinforced.
Domesilo mark 2 now stands proud as the key storage element in Hallett’s “green” (low carbon) cement project.
The Domesilo can store up to 47,000 tonnes of dry cement.
Photo is ©️ Doug Spencer, taken from the water at 4.19 pm on 07 March 2024.