There is nothing Socialist – let alone Communist – about this Red Cosmos.
The bulk carrier of that name was launched in 2015, and has since made more than a few trips to Port Adelaide – all with capitalist intent.
Also a fiction: the vessel’s purported home port.
Majuro is purely a “flag of convenience”; such “false flags” are deployed by most ship-owners.
They are a key part of their efforts to minimise expenditure, to maximise their profits and to evade any legal “liability” in relation to “accidents”, and to mistreatment of employees.

Majuro is the capital and largest city in the Marshall Islands.
At circa 20,000, Majuro’s population is similar in size to Mount Gambier’s.
Mount Gambier accounts for less than two percent of South Australia’s population.
Majuro is home to around fifty percent of the Marshall Islands’ national, resident population.
The Marshall Islands are most famous/infamous for the nuclear tests conducted there by the United States, their adverse impact on the islanders, and for the US’s evasion of “responsibility”.
Ironically, the Marshall Islands have since made facilitating the evasion of responsibility their biggest source of national income.
As a “flag of convenience”, Majuro is now second only to Panama.

Notionally – underline “notionally” – Majuro is home to the world’s second largest commercial shipping fleet!
An extract from the relevant Wikipedia entry:
Unlike some flag countries, there is no requirement that a Marshallese flag vessel be owned by a Marshallese individual or corporation. Following the 2015 seizure of the MV Maersk Tigris, the United States announced that its treaty obligation to defend the Marshall Islands did not extend to foreign-owned Marshallese flag vessels at sea.[149]
As a result of ship-to-ship transfers by Marshallese flag tanker vessels, the Marshall Islands have statistically been one of the largest importers of crude oil from the United States, despite the fact that the islands have no oil refining capacity.