This stilt (a banded stilt, I think) is one of many now active at Lake Claremont.
Many of Perth’s “natural” places are in a sad state, degrading.
Lake Claremont is a happy exception.

This once very-degraded wetland’s current story is one of ongoing rehabilitation and recovery – thanks in no small measure to community-minded volunteers …and to a golf course being sacrificed in favour of wetland/bush/parkland, rather than the usual “vice-versa”.
From Perth or Fremantle it is less than half an hour away – via train plus a short, easy walk.
To discover more, click here
If you live in or near Perth, next Tuesday – July 25, 6pm, at the Claremont Aquatic Centre – you could attend a talk about the lake’s much-contested politics/history. (Details at bottom of this PDF)
Meanwhile, further inland on the Swan Coastal Plain, and also easily accessible by frequent trains (plus a short walk from Woodbridge Railway Station, last-but-one on the Midland line) the many sunny winter days offer easy, delightful walking beside the Swan River.
All photos copyright Doug Spencer; those above taken today at Lake Claremont, those below taken yesterday at Woodbridge.
One tip: the riverside walk at Woodbridge is almost directly below Perth Airport’s flight path. Your serenity will be less-frequently shattered if you avoid Sunday afternoons.