…but free, with an exquisite musical bonus included!
Pelecanus conspicillatus – the Australian Pelican – has the avian world’s biggest bill.
Its bill is remarkable at any time, but most especially so when engaged in actual “pelican yoga”.
Pelican Yoga wishes you a very happy festive season.

Click here for the post which explains “pelican yoga”.

All photos taken at Lake Monger, 03 April 2020, just before sunset; in this instance, the pelicans’ “yoga” session was very brief – I did not quite manage to capture every single millimetre of the most prodigious stretch.

I utterly loathe most “Christmas albums”, but there is one that I really love.
Dino Saluzzi’s 2011 trio album Navidad de Los Andes is entirely free of jingle bell jive and sentimental schlock.
It is also protected by copyright.
Here, however, is its trio, “live” in Poland in 2013; the Saluzzi composition on which they are improvising is Gabriel Kondor – a requiem for an indigenous Argentinean friend.
Dino Saluzzi plays bandoneon, his brother Felix Saluzzi saxophone and Anja Lechner cello.
Dino Saluzzi (born 1935) is, I think, one of the greatest musicians now living.
His Albores is a superb new, absolutely solo album, recorded in Buenos Aires last year.
Click this to discover more.
Thank you Doug, Ive been following Dino Saluzzi playing bandoneon for some time, but never have I seen him. Your selection was both a musical and visual feast….Best..Joe