Our China “expedition” had two other key destinations: nature reserves in environments much wetter, warmer – and lower – than the Tibetan Plateau.
Various aspects of Tangjiahe and Labahe will eventually be explored in individual posts on Pelican Yoga.
Tangjiahe is several hours drive north/north-east of Chengdu, whilst Labahe is a similar distance, southwest.
Far too many boorish, astonishingly loud, distressingly childish and selfie-stick-brandishing weekend visitors from Chengdu can make far too much of each so-called “nature reserve” a nightmare destination on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
However, on weekdays, both offer nature lovers a great deal of delight…plus numerous grounds for concern.
If any “natural attractions” in China are on your wish list, my best advice is that you should visit them as soon as you can.
This teaser’s featured image shows a Red Panda at 9.14 am on 25 October – a not-atypically moist day in Tangjiahe.
(all photos copyright Doug Spencer)

October is autumn in Sichuan.

…and the sun is not always-obscured…

As future posts will show in detail, Sichuan’s forests are multi-layered, many-splendoured.