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Triple K “expedition” (#32 in teaser series: Hunza Valley)



Among “our” planet’s “settled” places,  the Hunza Valley has very few peers in the “visual splendour” department!

It will get a deal of future attention, here.

However, this “teaser” series has just the one Hunza Valley image.

I took it from Eagle’s Nest which sits 2,850 metres ASL – around 500 metres higher than the (clearly-visible) Hunza River, on the valley floor.

Dominating the photo’s skyline is Rakaposhi; that huge mountain’s peak stands nearly five kilometres taller than the Eagle’s Nest.

Hard to believe, but true: what you can see in this post’s photo was not the most jaw-dropping sight that was within my 360 degree field of view at 10.56 am on 22 May 2024.

(All photos are copyright ©️ Doug Spencer)



Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs