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Triple K “expedition” (#44 in teaser series: technicolour tea)



Uyghur teas do not necessarily primarily involve leaves of Camellia sinensis.

(Camellia sinensis is the leaf source for nearly all of the world’s non-“herbal” teas)

Leaves – of whatever species – are not necessarily the key element in Uyghur teas.

More than one species was sourced for the pictured “loose” tea; its “hero” ingredients are flowers.

It was very popular with shoppers at the busy market we visited in Kashgar on the morning of 26 May 2024.

The market was fascinating, very lively, and primarily focused on livestock…as will be evident, eventually, in some multi-image Pelican Yoga posts.

The next chapter in this teaser series will show one of that market’s key features – one best-illustrated, photographically, by “shooting the subject from behind”.

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs