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Triple K “expedition” (#6 in teaser series: looking up, in Kashmir)


On this trip – whether the relevant terrain was contested, or unambiguously within India, Pakistan, or China – there was a lot of still-solid “up” to look at.

All of the world’s “7000+ metres ASL” peaks are less than 2,000 kilometres distant from Srinagar, and most of them are very much closer than that.

The pictured peaks are less than 7,000 metres above sea level, but all of them are enormously higher than is Australia’s highest peak.

I took the photo through a bus’s window, less than 50 kilometres distant from Srinagar – a metropolis which houses more humans than Adelaide.

At the time – 10.55 am on 05 May 2024 – we were driving up to a mountain valley which contains a noted “ruin”/Hindu pilgrimage site…a location that will be featured in a future, multi-image post.


Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs