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Triple K “expedition (#9 in teaser series: the Golden Temple)




In my experience, not a few of the world’s renowned, allegedly “holy” places have proved underwhelming, tawdry, unfriendly, and highly commercialised – oft-grandiose, but lacking in both actual grandeur and actual humanity.

Sikhism’s most significant shrine is, however, truly grand…and this is one temple site where all comers are welcomed, warmly, and where no visitor is in any way “taken advantage of”.

Amritsar is home to circa two million people; each year, fifteen times that number visit the Golden Temple.

Many of them – whether pilgrims, tourists or simply hungry people – there enjoy what is (handsomely) the world’s most massive meal service, served gratis, no questions asked, every day.

The photo of the Golden Temple is as per the first unobstructed view nighttime visitors enjoy, immediately after they walk through the main entrance.

Eventually, multi-image Pelican Yoga posts will show and tell much more.

Arguably, the Golden Temple offers a less stunningly photogenic experience in daylight.

However, I found daytime there even more jaw-dropping.

In terms of evident, real life human generosity, the Golden Temple is – hands down – the most inspiring “sacred” place I have ever visited.

(photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken at 9.01 pm on 08 May 2024)


Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs