This post’s featured image was taken within the same second as yesterday’s – at 5.18 pm on Friday September 22, 2017.
On a “wintry” Spring day much changes within a few minutes.
All photos in this post were taken in one seven minute “window”, whilst standing on Little Beach, looking across Two Peoples Bay towards Mount Manypeaks.
The afternoon’s constantly-shifting weather moved us to abandon our planned wildflower walk in Twin Creeks Community Conservation Reserve – a wonderful place, below the northern side of the Porongurup Range.
This afternoon, we thought, a wild coastal place would be a better choice…and we had also already “enjoyed” enough attention from ticks…if only so-called “kangaroo ticks” would in fact confine their bloodlust to kangaroos!
The actual bay at Two Peoples Bay Conservation Reserve is less than half an hour’s easy drive from Albany, and just a whisker more than that from Porongurup.
Hardly anywhere else on earth can one so easily access such magnificent wild coast…and share it with so few other humans.
To almost anyone who knows it – no matter how well-travelled he or she is – Two Peoples Bay is a very special place.
Only about one minute before reaching the car park adjacent to Little Beach does the first time visitor suddenly get a sense of just how prodigiously grand is Two Peoples Bay.
34 years ago we could scarcely believe our eyes…and were amazed that it had been “spared”.
A town site had in fact been gazetted, just before the Noisy scrubbird – an “extinct” species – was rediscovered there in 1961.
Thanks in part to a timely intervention by Prince Philip (the then president of the World Wildlife Federation) the “pro-development” local council did not get its way, and the WA Government was persuaded to do the right thing.
Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve was declared in 1967.
In December 1994 Gilbert’s Potoroo – another “extinct” species – was rediscovered there.
Gilbert’s Potoroo is the world’s rarest marsupial…of which more in a future post.
This post covers just seven minutes, late on the afternoon of September 22, 2017.
All photos were taken from Little Beach, as a squall moved across the other (Mount Manypeaks) side of Two Peoples Bay.

The sequel to this post will take you up onto the rocks which overlook both Little Beach and the wider expanse of Two Peoples Bay.
You are very close to Esperance Doug and Kathy. Only a potaroo hop, we can here the noisy scrub bird from here!
You sent me to Google Maps to see where this magical place is. Makes me resolve to drive over to WA and visit that fabulous coastline.