Properly regulated, zip lining is fun, easy, and safe.
Even young children can do it, as per today’s photo; behind them is something much more dangerous.
After the bridge-proper had been completed, Perth’s Matagarup Bridge had two “adventure”/money-making modifications added.
First came the “bridge climb”, then the zip line.
The uninspiring building behind the young zip liners is part of Crown Perth – a casino-centred “resort” which offers much the same array of dreary, pseudo-“glamorous” opportunities to be fleeced as do its too-many peers, worldwide.
In some respects, Perth is deliciously unique, or highly unusual.
In others, it is depressingly “same-same”.
All the “leading”, “global”, bland brands and franchises – both “high end” and “mass market” – are over-abundantly present in Perth.
#14 in this series depicts an enjoyable experience and a location that are in some respects “quintessentially Australian”, but in their totality are “uniquely Perth”.