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Winter light, Flinders Ranges, 05/06/2023 (#1 in series: misty)


All photos in this series were taken on 05 June 2023.

All locations were within a morning loop-walking distance of Wilpena Resort, or a deal less than one hour’s driving distance from Wilpena Pound.

The Flinders Ranges region is a unique and beautiful part of Australia.

Winter is the best time to go there, and most of it is less than a full day’s drive away from Adelaide.

Around 8 am we set off from the resort – initially, walking beside Wilpena Creek.

It was pleasantly cool, with mist swirling around the ridge tops above us.



Misty winter’s morn, looking across and up from Wilpena Creek, 8.21 am, 05 June 2023. Photos copyright Doug Spencer.


A few minutes later, the ridge line and rockfaces would become “naked”.

The pines are indigenous, not introduced.

They have many “common” names.

The most common: cypress pines.

You are certainly looking at members of the genus Callitris.

The relevant species is probably Callitris columellaris; just how many Callitris species there are is open to debate/disagreement.

Click here to discover more about the very hardy Callitris columellaris.


Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel photographs