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Winter light, Flinders Ranges, 05/06/2023 (#14 in series)



I took the photo at 2.36 pm on 04 June 2023, circa 80 minutes on from the image in #13 of this series.

We were now just east of the Flinders’ “spine”, and driving on the sealed surface of the Flinders Ranges Way.

The temperature was decidedly “brisk”, but the rain-bearing weather system had very nearly petered out.

My photo’s foreground expresses my fondness for grasses.

The image then looks across to some of the (then, cloud-shrouded)  peaks which rim Wilpena Pound.

The highest of them – St Mary Peak – is the highest in the entire Flinders Ranges.

Its alleged altitude is surprisingly “variable”; 1171 metres ASL is the most common figure.

One hour later, at a more modest hilltop elevation of circa 739 metres ASL, we would enjoy magnificent, panoramic views, in literally every direction…as will be evident in this series’ next several chapters.

Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel photographs


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