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Winter light, Flinders Ranges, 05/06/2023 (#15 in series: from Stokes Hill, looking south)


Stokes Hill provides many different views – all, splendid – in literally every direction.

When rapidly moving clouds scatter across an otherwise intensely-blue winter’s sky, even someone who looked in only one direction would still enjoy a constantly-changing vista.

This is most spectacularly true during daylight’s first or final two hours.

i took this post’s photo at 3.36 pm, shortly after we had reached the top of Stokes Hill.

Stokes Hill (circa 737-739 metres ASL) is circa 450 kilometres north of Adelaide, and less than 20 ks northeast of Wilpena.

The drive up to the lookout is steep, but not treacherous; competent drivers of 2WD vehicles should find it doable, provided their vehicles are not towing anything.



Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel visual arts


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