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Winter light, Flinders Ranges, 05/06/2023 (#21 in series: from Stokes Hill, looking south, through a “long” lens)



This chapter’s featured image was taken six minutes after the #15 one in this series.

I invite you to revisit the #15 image, and follow its sunbathed ridgeline, along to the right hand side of the photo.

There – as “minor details” – you can see some of the very same “grass trees”, and the  same more distant range and ridgelines that are the “heroes”,here.

Focal length for #15: 54mm.

Focal length for today’s image: 400 mm,

Their vantage points were not quite identical; for this post’s photo I walked westward for circa 200 metres – slightly closer to Wilpena Pound’s ramparts.


Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel photographs


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