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Winter light, Flinders Ranges, 05/06/2023 (#22 in series: from Stokes Hill, looking west)



This post’s photo is this series’ final “from Stokes Hill” landscape image, albeit its penultimate “from Stokes Hill…” shot.

All the landscape shots were taken within the space of 12 minutes.

This one looks west-ish, toward some of the mightiest of Wilpena Pound’s ramparts.

Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken at 3.48 pm on 05 June 2023.

I think the summit of St Mary Peak is “up there”, obscured by clouds.

Australia’s mountains are almost all very old, much-eroded.

None of them are very high; in some other lands they would all be regarded as “hills”.

Nonetheless, some of Australia’s “modest” mountain ranges are extraordinarily beautiful, and singular.

Having experienced some of the world’s “seriously high” places, I can assure you that they have not in the least diminished my love for the Flinders and other Australian ranges.


Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel photographs


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