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World’s water-wisest bath, Etosha National Park

When even the most ardently water-wise member of our own species has a thoroughly enjoyable bath, water may not be wasted, but it is necessary.

Some other species, however, have hugely-enjoyable baths without getting damp, at all.


Our sandbathing hero is a plains zebra, Equus quagga.



Plains zebra enjoying sand bath, Etosha NP, Namibia, 2.30 pm, 07 November 2022. Photo copyright Doug Spencer.


All photos taken at 8.30 am on 07 November in Etosha National Park, northern Namibia.



No need for a towel.  Plains zebra, Etosha, 8.30 am, 07 November 2022. Photo copyright Doug Spencer.


Zebras may prefer dry baths, but as living beings, they must drink water.


Obtaining it can cost a prey animal its life, and zebras are conspicuously “jumpy” whenever anywhere near a water hole, or …eventually, usually after a lot of “hesitation blues”, committed to drinking at one.

A future post will explore this behaviour.


Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs