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Pelican Yoga Posts

Word power: “Do elephants have souls?”

What elephants may be lacking most of all is not language but the Rosetta Stone to prove they have it and clue us in to what on God’s green earth they’re talking about all the time…. They have a vocal range of ten octaves (a piano has seven), and up to three-quarters of the sounds they produce are inaudible to human ears. 


Skippy biffo: boxing in southwesternmost Australia.

More posts coming soon. (just back from a mostly offline fortnight and place)

Meanwhile, this is one of two simultaneous “showdowns at sunset”, witnessed on a short walk from our favourite place to stay in the Augusta-Margaret River area.

I particularly like the way the females show no apparent interest in the males’ bouts.

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Music review: Chris Abrahams, Lloyd Swanton

For nearly three decades Chris Abrahams and Lloyd Swanton have been two thirds of The Necks.

That singular Australian trio is renowned worldwide, but its members do many other good, highly diverse musical things.

Chris Abrahams’ Climb and Lloyd Swanton’s Ambon are wonderful, in very different ways.  Climb is all piano, solo. Ambon involves a shifting cast of thirteen…and a true story both dreadful and inspirational.


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