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24 search results for "Fitzgerald"

Deep South WA meets Southern Ocean (teaser to new series)

This series will showcase Western Australia’s southernmost shoreline – from the mouth of the Warren River, through to Point Ann.

In most of the world “magnificent, wild, uncrowded, not even one house within sight” and “easily reached” are mutually exclusive categories.

Not here!

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The Wind (#60 in “a shining moment” series)


Tomorrow, Western Australia’s west coast is expected to experience a “once in ten years” storm event, with winds that could gust to 130 kilometres per hour.

Today’s photo shows a much gentler day in a beautiful south coastal WA place, but it still shows how wind – especially salt-bearing wind – shapes, sculpts and prunes.

Musically, today’s venues are in Tokyo and Bahia.

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A lovesome thing (#31 in “a shining moment” series)


A Flower is a Lovesome Thing  (occasionally, wrongly, it appears online as …a Lonesome…) is one of many exquisite compositions which Billy Strayhorn composed for Duke Ellington.

This post’s flower is one of many orchids that exist only in certain locations in southwestern Western Australia.

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