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Tag: Fitzgerald Biosphere

West Beach, Fitzgerald River National Park (7 of 10)



Schistosity is a thin layering of the rock produced by metamorphism that permits the rock to be easily split into thin layers or flakes.

(rocks with a high degree of schistosity are commonly known as schists. Typically, they have a “grainy” appearance)

Some schists look quite prosaic.

Others are very beautiful.

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West Beach, Fitzgerald River National Park (6 of 10)


Only a few metres away from the rock in yesterday’s post, this one also exhibits “a high degree of schistosity”, but its appearance is utterly different.

A deal of the “rockscape” on West Beach resembles a hallucinatory version of the Nazi coastal defences which were intended to make Normandy’s beaches “impregnable”.

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Esperance & Ravensthorpe shires: wild coasts, astonishing flora…


My beloved and I have recently returned from a couple of weeks in one of our favourite parts of “our” planet.

Its coastscapes are magnificently “big wide screen”.

Cape Arid National Park, Cape Le Grand National Park and Fitzgerald River National Park are even more jaw-dropping at the “micro” level – one should always pay close attention to the ground immediately in front of one’s feet!

The featured image looks east from Belinup Hill to Mt Arid/Cape Arid.

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