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Tag: Fleurieu Peninsula

Midwinter on the Fleurieu’s southern edge: edible, obviously



I have no idea whether a human could safely eat the pictured mushroom.

Clearly, however, at least one other fauna species relishes this fungus.

In any event, from a purely human-centric perspective, “edibility” is merely one of an enormous number of relevant descriptors of fungi species’ actual or potential uses.

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Midwinter on the Fleurieu’s southern edge: edible/inedible…to whom?


In this particular instance, I do not know the answers to the headline’s questions.

Some fungi are “edible, generally”, some are “toxic, generally”, whilst others could be labelled as “it all depends on which fauna species attempts to eat it, and/or on how and when they eat it  and/or on how much of it they eat, and/or on how they prepare it”.

If you look carefully, you can see a little fragment at the bottom, apparently broken off from the pictured coral fungus’s fruiting body.

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Midwinter on the Fleurieu’s southern edge: ephemeral “gold”




As was true of the previous post, eagle-eyed viewers should find it easy to see a gnat on one our heroes.

In any event, zooming in/enlarging is recommended – the pictured ‘shrooms surfaces have beautiful, subtly-varied textures and colours.

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Midwinter on the Fleurieu’s southern edge: neither monster nor mushroom…


…but this post’s petite fruiting bodies are definitely fungal “fruit”.

I think they are examples of so-called “coral fungi”, as were many of the more weird and wonderful fungi we saw in Deep Creek National Park’s old-growth stringybark forest, on an easy, leisurely 75 minute walk.

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Midwinter on the Fleurieu’s southern edge: another monster




The pictured mushroom/toadstool/ fungal fruiting body was very big, very wet.

Unable to support its own weight, it had collapsed.

In terms of its species’ viability, the “collapse” was probably of no consequence whatsoever.

I think it would be analogous to an exhausted salmon, dying after it had made the epic journey upstream and successfully laid eggs or fertilised them: job done.

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Midwinter on the Fleurieu’s southern edge: monster mushroom


Even collectively, yesterday’s three heroes were comprehensively dwarfed by any single one of the adjacent, large leaves.

This post’s mushroom is enormously bigger and heavier.

My unscientific guesstimate is that its mass would exceed that of all three of yesterday’s ‘shrooms by at least several thousand percent.

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Midwinter on the Fleurieu’s southern edge: petite ‘shrooms



Most of the world’s fungal mass are mycelia –  tubular filaments/threads which “network”, forming mycelium.

Reminiscent of hair or neurons, those filaments/threads are called hyphae.

You won’t see mycelium in this series – it is an invisible presence, within the earth, timber and leaf litter.

However, it is worth remembering that fungi are like icebergs – what we see is only a small portion of their selves.

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Midwinter on the Fleurieu’s southern edge: bark, moss, fungi & leaf litter



If you are partial to mosses and fungi, the premier South Australian place is the floor of the old-growth stringybark forest in Deep Creek National Park.

The best time to go there is midwinter, in a cool, wet winter.

It is less than two hours’ easy driving away from Adelaide, but in a “proper winter” this forest “feels” like another planet.

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