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Tag: Flinders Ranges

Winter Light, Flinders Ranges, 05/06/2023 (#4 in series: fully-qualified survivor)



Clearly evident: this tree is no youngster, it has not merely seen fire and rain, and is still alive, probably some centuries on from the relevant seed’s germination.

Commonly known as the river red gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis is the most widely-distributed of any eucalyptus species; it is almost-proverbially hardy/“enduring”.

River red gums are the “gum tree” best-beloved by Australian members of Homo sapiens.

In 21st century Australia, this “iconic” species is in big trouble.

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Winter Light, Flinders Ranges, 05/06/2023 (#3 in series: Wilpena waterhole)


Shortly before we forsook Wilpena Creek, and started to walk uphill (and thence into Wilpena Pound) we encountered the pictured, “permanent” waterhole.

Such places are particularly precious in regions where creeks variously rise, rage, flood, trickle, then cease to flow at all – visibly, at least – for unpredictable periods, sometimes many months…

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Winter light, Flinders Ranges, 05/06/2023 (#1 in series: misty)


All photos in this series were taken on 05 June 2023.

All locations were within a morning loop-walking distance of Wilpena Resort, or a deal less than one hour’s driving distance from Wilpena Pound.

The Flinders Ranges region is a unique and beautiful part of Australia.

Winter is the best time to go there, and most of it is less than a full day’s drive away from Adelaide.

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“Landscape” view/ much closer view (#7B in series: Parachilna Gorge)



At 3.50 pm on 07 June 2023 my feet were very close to where they had been when I took the “7A” image, just three minutes earlier, whilst enjoying a leisurely walk through part of Parachilna Gorge.

I was, nonetheless, effectively able to get nearly eight times closer to one of the previous photo’s four peaks – by looking through a 400mm lens, as opposed to 54mm.

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“Landscape” view/ much closer view (#7A in series: Parachilna Gorge)



This series’ “7” posts both feature a “landscape” photograph, but “7B” will offer a much closer view of one of the “7A” landscape’s four peaks.

Both featured images show just part of what is a striking landscape through all 360 degrees; that holds true through the entire length of Parachilna Gorge.

The gorge is on the western side of the northern Flinders Ranges, and is easily accessed from the nearby “town” of Parachilna.

Parachilna is within daytripping distance of Wilpena, but a much better idea is to stay two nights at Parachilna’s truly-wonderful hotel. (the hotel pretty much is the “town”)

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“Landscape” view/ much closer view (#6B in series: Flinders Ranges)



Even on the greyest of days – when an Australian outback  “landscape” appears to offer a rather limited “colour palette” – a closer view is almost guaranteed to confound your initial impression.

The post’s “6B” image was taken within a few minutes of the “6A” photo, and their vantage points were not very many footsteps apart.

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“Landscape view/ much closer view (#6A in series: Flinders Ranges)



In June 2023 my beloved and I visited the Flinders Ranges, (plus other outback South Australian places) and the Northern Territory’s “Red Centre”.

Nearly half a century had passed since our most recent trip to Wilpena Pound and nearby places.

It was more than forty years since we had last been in the NT, together.

Both regions proved as singular and beautiful in 2023 reality as they had been in our memories of the 1970s.

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Wedge-tail, Flinders Ranges, June 2023


The wedge-tailed eagle is Australia’s largest raptor.

It is one of the world’s largest raptors, and is almost certainly the most abundant of any of the world’s big eagles.

Wedge-tails range across almost all of Australia.

They are, however, very “difficult”, photographically speaking.

Until the fifth afternoon of June 2023 I had never taken a “successful” photo of an airborne wedge-tail.

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Parachilna sunset (final episode in SA/NT “outback” single image teaser series)


South Australia’s longest chain of mountains is named after Matthew Flinders, not by him; “the navigator” did not impose his own name on any natural feature.

One of the Flinders’ gems is Parachilna Gorge, on the mountains’ western side.

Very soon after you drive back out of the gorge, you look across a seemingly-endless, flattish plain.

Sitting in it, nearby, is the almost-town of Parachilna; effectively, its excellent pub is the town.

Lake Frome’s vast salt-flat is a deal further “out there”, due west…so too the setting sun, at 5.19 pm on 06 June 2023.

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