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Tag: Hunza

Triple K “expedition” (#32 in teaser series: Hunza Valley)



Among “our” planet’s “settled” places,  the Hunza Valley has very few peers in the “visual splendour” department!

It will get a deal of future attention, here.

However, this “teaser” series has just the one Hunza Valley image.

I took it from Eagle’s Nest which sits 2,850 metres ASL – around 500 metres higher than the (clearly-visible) Hunza River, on the valley floor.

Dominating the photo’s skyline is Rakaposhi; that huge mountain’s peak stands nearly five kilometres taller than the Eagle’s Nest.

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Triple K “expedition” (#1 in teaser series: a relatively modest mountain)




Spantik (aka “Golden Mountain”) soars 7027 metres above sea level.

It is rather more than three times higher than the Australian continent’s highest peak.

In the Karakoram, however, many mountains are mightier than Spantik.

Pakistan has 108 peaks that exceed 7000 metres!

We are just-returned from an unforgettable trip which began in Delhi and concluded in Beijing.

Primarily, however, it was focused on Kashmir, the Karakoram and Kashgar.

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