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Tag: Italy

Recognise this town?




Its “permanent” population of circa 5,000 people is around the same size as Naracoorte’s, or circa half that of the Australian Portland.

Naracoorte is a prosperous South Australian country town; Portland is Victoria’s oldest “European” settlement.

The post’s actually-European town is very much older than any Australian one.

its population and power peaked circa one thousand years ago.

Its eponymous republic was then a significant maritime power, trading in many “things”, including enslaved humans.

Tourism-wise, its “peak” is circa right now, and it is stratospherically beyond Naracoorte’s or Portland’s wildest dreams…or nightmares.

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“Landscape” view/ much closer view (#16B in series: Devil’s Bridge, Raganello Gorge)




We had limited time, so my longer zoom lens did all the “walking”.

My vantage point was almost the same as per “16A”, but the focal length was nearly 18 times greater.

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“Landscape” view/ much closer view (#16A in series: Devil’s Bridge, Raganello Gorge)




Chances are excellent that you have never heard of Civita – a southern Italian mountain village which sits within Calabria’s spectacular Raganello Gorge.

It is a very rewarding destination, both scenically and culturally…and there is adventure tourism” too, for climbers, kayakers and “white water” enthusiasts.

Civita is sometimes referred to as “the village of the Devil’s Bridge”.

The higher rim of the Raganello River’s gorge towers above Civita, but from village’s edge to Devil’s Bridge – which spans the river – it is still a long way down.

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Aspects of Etna (#17 in series: cloudless, suddenly, briefly)


The big volcano is very dynamic, always engaged in a closely monitored – but not entirely predictable – “dance” of destruction, construction, collapse, erosion and “quieter periods”.

The cloud-dance on Etna’s upper slopes is even more quickly-shifting – variously, arriving, departing, thinning, thickening, “setting in”, and “burning off”/“dissolving”.

Just a couple of minutes earlier – when I took the previous post’s photos – we were yet to enjoy more than fleeting glimpses of small parts of this post’s crater-scape.

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Aspects of Etna (#16 in series: as the “cloud cap” begins to “burn off”)


This post’s photos were taken 15-20 minutes after the previous chapter’s.

We had walked up a little higher, staying on a marked path.

For several minutes, most of upper Etna had been invisible to us, but the clouds which had fully-enshrouded us were now fracturing, lifting, starting to “dissolve”.

At 11.40 am we were probably standing a whisker below 3000 metres above sea level; the pictured, freer-roaming folks were, variously, a little higher up or lower down.

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Aspects of Etna (#14 in series: Etna’s cableway)



Construction of a cableway on Mount Etna began in the 1950s.

The first version began operations in 1966.

Etna first  “intervened” in 1971, destroying the cableway’s upper section.

Various other eruptions have since wreaked varying degrees of destruction, resulting in repeated closures, rebuilds and realignments.

Since the spring of 2023, the cableway and its (new) cable cars have been as they appear in my photo.

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