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Tag: Kashgar

Triple K “expedition” (final, in teaser series: “backstage”, in a Kashgar tea house)



This particular tea house was commendable: the ambience was authentic, unfussily lovely, its tea & “goodies” were very palatable, and the “live” music was of a high standard – not merely “close enough, for tourists”.

Keyboards, synthetic “beats” and excessive reverb + compression were all pleasingly absent.

“Attracting tourists” was part of this tea house’s equation, but only part; very evidently, many local people liked it.

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Triple K “expedition” (#45 in teaser series: tip-top bottoms, Kashgar)


The above photo was taken in Kashgar’s livestock market – a fascinating place, which Pelican Yoga will eventually explore in much more detail.

The particular characteristics that define “premium” sheep are partly environmental, and partly cultural; the “best” sheep on offer in China doubtless look “highly exotic” to most Australians.

To most Chinese people, Australia’s highly-prized merinos would doubtless appear equally  “strange”.

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Triple K “expedition” (#44 in teaser series: technicolour tea)



Uyghur teas do not necessarily primarily involve leaves of Camellia sinensis.

(Camellia sinensis is the leaf source for nearly all of the world’s non-“herbal” teas)

Leaves – of whatever species – are not necessarily the key element in Uyghur teas.

More than one species was sourced for the pictured “loose” tea; its “hero” ingredients are flowers.

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