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Tag: Namibia

Weirdness-free zone? (# 18 in Namibia single-image series)


Sick of strange, odd, eccentric or exceptional persons, things and phenomena?

You believe signs/believe in signs?

if your answer to both questions is “yes”, a town/region you have never heard of has “just the place” for you!

It is conveniently located in the world’s second least densely populated nation, not far from its border with Angola…

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“White” by name, but…(seasonal greetings)


…at least in portrait view, Pelecanus onocrotalus – the Great White Pelican  – is much more colourful than any version of Santa Claus.

No Santa – whether “bad” or “good”, repackaged by Coca-Cola or not – could even begin to match the pictured individual’s élan…almost-dishevelled, post-punk meets psychedeliia.

S/he (“she”, I think) and Pelican Yoga wish you a joyous festive season!

(to meet our hero/ine in person, Australians would need to use their passports)

Much as I would love to have taken this photo…

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Cost-effective defence policy (#16 in Namibia single-image series)



Many of Africa’s “acacias” – particularly those commonly known as thorn trees/bushes – have a great many very fierce thorns, designed to deter browsing animals.

Nesting birds – usually, one of the weavers – are undeterred, and the feathered home-builders also often get a “free kick” from those thorns.

Birds who nest in the thick of thorns are deploying the tree’s weapons to defend themselves (and their young) from bird-eating predators.

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Char char char (#15 in Namibia single-image series)



A Wikipedia list of 182 counties, ranked by average annual precipitation, has Colombia allegedly wettest and Egypt driest – respectively, 3,240 mm and 18 mm.

155 nations are allegedly “wetter” than Namibia; its reported annual average of 285 mm is a little more than half of the figure given for nation #141 – Australia.

Yet Namibian-harvested hardwood is the basis for an industry which currently yields more than 70 million Australian dollars worth of annual export income…and that figure is set to soar.

It has nothing to do with construction timbers or wooden furniture.

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Emblematic, delicious (#14 in Namibia single-image series)


Southern Africa’s oryx – Oryx gazella, aka “gemsbok” – is the largest of the world’s four oryx species.

This handsome antelope is prominent on Namibia’s coat of arms.

Oryx is also a firm favourite of Namibian diners; if Namibia had a “Paul Hogan”, he’d surely entice tourists by offering to “throw some gemsbok on the braai”.

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“Ugly Beauty” – warthogs rule, ok? (#13 in Namibia single-image series, with musical bonus)




Arguably, this particular oxymoron nicely describes Phacochoerus africanus – the common warthog.

Ugly Beauty is also the title of an unequivocally beautiful composition by one of jazz’s greatest composers.

This post’s kneeling hero was neither injured, nor pious, and although the fire in this image was part of a lovely dinner experience, warthog was not on the menu.

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Rare, shimmering…with musical bonus (#12 in Namibia single-image series)



Khowarib Gorge is one of very few Namibian places through which water flows, visibly, “permanently”.

This post’s (Tunisian) musical bonus was doubtless inspired by larger waves, dancing somewhere else entirely, but Anouar Brahem’s Dance With Waves dances well with a desert river’s rippling.

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Kunene River daybreak, with musical bonus (#10 in Namibia single-image series)



Photo was taken a few hundred metres upstream of Epupa Falls.

At 6.37 am on 11 November 2022 I was standing on the Namibian side of the Kunene River.

In Angola it is the Cunene; above, you are looking at both nations…and the moon.

The Kunene and the Orange (which is the border between Namibia and South Africa) are the only two of Namibia’s rivers that “permanently” have water flowing – above ground, visible – all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.