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Tag: Namibia

Warthogs and water

Every living thing needs water.

However, different living things’ particular ways of accessing/consuming/conserving/using water, are hugely variable.

So are the quantities they require, how often they need to drink – if they do need to drink  – and even the very nature of their relationship to water.

Certain terrestrial creatures absolutely relish water…and not just as something to drink or to swim in.

In this respect, warthogs are nigh-peerless.

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Warthogs (1 of 2: individual portraits)



Classical Greek statuary, 21st century Hollywood, “supermodels”, “influencers”,  Barbie and Ken, the work of profit-maximising cosmetic surgeons or “surgeons”, pedlars of “miracle” diets and so-called “beauticians”…

Is your idea of “beauty” the fruit of parameters set by one or more of the above?

If your answer is an unchangeable “yes”, you will never appreciate that warthogs are indeed beautiful…

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Fine swine…

…but too many humans revile and/or ridicule suids – the pig family.

Warthogs (pictured above, at a waterhole in Namibia) get a particularly “bad press”.

They are routinely described as “ugly”.

Allegedly, their faces are ones that only their mothers could love.

To the best of my knowledge, I bear little resemblance to a warthog, but I really like warthogs’ faces…and their whole-hog selves.

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“From behind” (#9 in single-image series: relaxed giraffes)


For a giraffe, drinking is as necessary as it is for any other mammal.

The very act of positioning oneself to make drinking physically possible is, however, an enormously more delicate, demanding task for a giraffe than for other mammals.

Giraffes’ approach to a waterhole is always slow, tentative, hesitant…and in a group.

Anxiety and hyper vigilance are especially evident at the crucial moment when a giraffe has to decide that it is now “safe” – or not – to get into drinking position.

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“From behind” (#1 in single-image series)


General rule, when photographing animals, humans included:

ensure that their eyes are fully visible, in sharp focus, and looking at “you”, the viewer.

As is true of so many “rules”, this one is worth knowing.

Generally, it is a good idea to abide by it…but sometimes, the better idea is to break it…

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Three of the same (#14 in series: Burchell’s sandgrouse)



Reportedly, this species  – a southern African arid/semi-arid savannah/grassland specialist –  will sometimes fly 120 kilometres from its nest, in order to find water.

Happily, for many Burchell’s sandgrouse this is no longer necessary; boring humans  – well, humans who sink bores – have proved a boon to Pterocles burchelli.

Named after an English naturalist, they are somewhat pigeon-like in appearance…but not in their abilities and behaviour.

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Three of the same (#7 in series: plains zebra)


For #6 in this series, the number of stripes on the bodies of the featured threesome was self-evident: 3 X 5 = 15.

The number of stripes on today’s heroes is an enormously higher number, not self-evident: 3 X ? = ?…my head hurts…

All members of Equus quagga have many stripes.

Each has his/her own unique pattern.

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Three of the same (#5 in series: gemsbok)


Generally, when it comes to encountering wild animals, humans think, “the closer, the better”

Many wildlife photographers think similarly; they spend large sums of money on huge lenses that prove equally damaging to owners’ bank balances and backs.

Photographers usually try to ensure that the splendid beast/s “fill the frame”.

A shallow depth of field is favoured, thus emphasising the beast’s splendour, and minimising any “distracting” background detail…although “attractive” bokeh is more-than-acceptable.

(if “bokeh” is new to you, click here)

But, but…

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