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Tag: Namibia

Our least interesting Namibian leopard encounter…




…was an extraordinarily close one.

Prior to November 2022 I had never imagined that I would ever find myself so astonishingly near to a wild leopard, let alone that such an experience would prove the least exciting of four leopard encounters, all within a span of about ninety hours.

This post’s photos are in chronological sequence; the first three were taken within a single minute, and the final image’s “moment” occurred a whisker less seven minutes after the first.

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Reading the signs (in northern Namibia: #7 in series)

In northern Namibia – and just about anywhere else in Southern Africa – the pictured takeaway food outlet’s “alarming” sign would cause no unease whatsoever, nor would its meaning be unclear.

”Russians” – with or without chips – have long been a great favourite of southern Africans, whether “dining out” or “cooking up” in their own homes.

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Reading the signs (in northern Namibia. #1 in series)




The photo (copyright Doug Spencer, taken on 08 November 2022) shows a typical northern Namibian shebeen.

Signage in northern Namibia often provides visitors with delight…and/or surprise, confusion, bewilderment…

You’ll find no superb photography in this single-image series; almost everything in it was shot “on the fly”, through the window of “our” bus, as it zoomed past one one of many thousands of owner-operated businesses.

All were small, in reality.

However, their signs often “talked big”…

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