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Tag: Otago Peninsula

Grand sands (#22 in series: on Sandfly Bay’s “snoozable” sand)

Sandfly Bay is also seal-approved – one species of fur seal does like to slumber there – but the pictured individual belongs to a much rarer species, of sea lion.

New Zealand’s sandflies are deservedly infamous, globally.

However the name of this spectacular Otago Peninsula ocean beach does not “honour” sandflies; it refers to the fact that on a windy day this is a place where sand really does fly!

On a milder, sunny day – such as 23 March, 2019 – Sandfly Bay loses its “sting”, and its sandy beach provides a warm, perfectly form-fitting, easily-adjustable “mattress”.

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Intertidal: #10 in series (Otago Harbour, viewed from Otago Peninsula)

Where a particular intertidal zone’s “bottom” has a very gentle slope, even relatively modest tidal ranges will yield spectacular transformations, often twice-daily

One such place is immediately east of Dunedin, on the southeastern side of New Zealand’s South Island.

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