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MacDonnell Ranges (#15 in single image series: flowering, Ormiston Gorge)




After taking the photo featured in #14 in this series, my beloved and I decided to scramble our way up to the path that followed a ridge line, rather than retrace our steps along the gorge’s floor

This proved surprisingly easy.

Less than ten minutes later we were heading back to Ormiston HQ, via a well-made pathway that gave us easy access to the lookout from which I took the image featured in this series’ first chapter.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#14 in single image series: well inside Ormiston Gorge)



To reach the pictured location, you need to be able-bodied, but – in stable weather, at least – it does not involve a very long walk, nor an arduous/particularly hazardous one.

It still surprises me that relatively few visitors to such a magnificent place are prepared to walk more than a very few, very easy steps away from the car/bus park.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#13 in series: Big Hole goes green)




In winter, in a “good” year, some places in “The Red Centre” can surprise a first-time visitor by presenting a relatively soft, lush green “face”.

Ellery Creek Big Hole is a striking, dramatic destination at any time, but it does not always look the way it did on 17 June 2023.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#12 in single image series: Ellery Creek Big Hole)



This is a very popular swimming/ picnicking spot, easily accessed, just 80 kilometres west of Alice Springs.

It also offers scenic splendour, complex geology, and good walking opportunities.

Newcomers who lack knowledge of Western MacDonnell Ranges’ water holes will experience a cold shock the first time they enter this one.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#11 in single-image series: Emily Gap reflections)



Looking at the image above, you may be surprised to know that this waterhole’s seemingly-deep waters do not enjoy a status which even remotely resembles “permanent”.

Circa 45 years ago – on the last of my several previous visits to Emily Gap – I walked through this very spot in bare feet; they remained dry, with my toes relishing the sand.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#10: Emily Gap, East MacDonnell Ranges)




Emily Gap is only a few minutes away from Alice Springs.

If you are heading out into the Eastern MacDonnell Ranges, it will be “your” first gap.

Beautiful aesthetically, and of geological interest too,  Emily Gap/Anthwerrke has enormous cultural significance to the Eastern Arrernte People.

Accordingly, although it is an easily accessed, “open” and popular spot for both tourists and locals, visitors are requested to treat it with respect.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#9 in single image series: speed-drinking, Jessie Gap)



The MacDonnell Ranges are rich in birdlife, including species unfamiliar to most suburban Australians.

This post’s photo may look “peaceful”, but in the middle of the day at Jessie Gap, the Australian zebra finch “action” was in fact a display of incredibly fleet, flurrying, “colour and movement”.

The pictured individuals were just part of a large flock, whose members were repeatedly zapping to and from tree and waterhole.

Jessie Gap is a short drive south-east, from Alice Springs.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#8 in single image series: Blue mallee, Trephina Gorge)




Eucalyptus gamophylla
flourishes in very demanding environments, mostly in Central Australia.

Very hardy, even by mallee standards, it is one of several (quite different) mallee eucalypt species that are commonly known as “blue mallee”.

As you can see, blue is not its only hue.

It is not hard to see why florists and flower arrangers seek out its leaves.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#6 in single image series: grass, dancing on rock)


You are looking  (I think) at a so-called “spinifex” grass, demonstrating its hardiness in Trephina Gorge, circa 85 kilometres east of Alice Springs.

What Australians call “spinifex” is something entirely different from the “true” spinifex, which are coastal grasses that grow on at least three continents, including Australia.

The uniquely Australian “spinifex” are inland dwellers, tussocky, clump-forming grasses that grow mostly in arid or semi-arid zones,

Typically, they dominate their preferred habitats, forming “hummock grasslands”, some of which are vast.

In Australia, almost every so-called “spinifex” is a member of the large, endemic Australian genus Triodia.

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