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Tag: Pakistan

Triple K “expedition” (#15 in series: Pakistan’s “Canberra”)


Whilst nobody who is familiar with both cities would ever mistake one for the other, Australia’s and Pakistan’s capital cities share many key characteristics.

Each was meticulously sited and planned.

Canberra is a deal smaller than Islamabad, but both have relatively modest populations – much smaller than several other cities in Australia and Pakistan.

Each is a  young, inland city, established in the 20th century as a “showcase” national capital.

Like Canberra, Islamabad is spacious, with an uncommonly large amount of “green”  and quasi-“natural” open space.

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Triple K “expedition” (#14 in teaser series: Lahore Fort’s picture wall)



Arguably, India’s Taj Mahal is the most world’s most sublime building.

However, Agra is not the global hotspot for prime examples of Mughal architecture and its decoration.

Lahore – Pakistan’s second largest city – has the largest number of bona fide “jaw-dropping” Mughal constructions.

(I think Lahore is also a much more generally-rewarding/likeable destination than is Agra)

The last Mughal mosque – the world’s largest mosque, when constructed in 1671-73 – is in Lahore.

Lahore’s Old City is much less frenetic than Old Delhi, but the former is much the richer, architecturally.

Agra’s Red Fort is stupendous, but Lahore Fort is even more so.

Above, you are looking at merely a small section of Lahore Fort’s picture wall.

The world’s biggest such “mural” occupies circa 6,600 square metres of the fort’s exterior.

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Triple K “expedition” (#13 in teaser series: bigger than London)

Almost any “educated” Australian could easily locate the United Kingdom’s largest metropolis on a globe or a map of the world, sans-index.

Many, however, would struggle to “find” Pakistan’s second-biggest city.

Lahore houses many more humans than does London

Both cities are fascinating, sophisticated, culturally rich.

I took the photo from a UNESCO World Heritage listed “Paradise Garden” which is at least 375 years older than the commuter trains which now zip past it, every few minutes.

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Triple K “expedition” (#12 in teaser series: roll over, John Cleese)


Monty Python’s Flying Circus premiered John Cleese’s “The Ministry of Silly Walks” in 1970.

The sketch satirically skewered British bureaucracy’s upper echelons.

More than a decade earlier, India and Pakistan had already perfected the art of highly choreographed “silly walks”…but in real life, with neither satirical nor comedic intent.

Various “silly” walks are a key element in a bizarre military ritual, still conducted late each afternoon on the Indo-Pakistani border, less than one hour’s drive from both the Indian city of Amritsar and the megacity of Lahore.

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Triple K “expedition” (#1 in teaser series: a relatively modest mountain)




Spantik (aka “Golden Mountain”) soars 7027 metres above sea level.

It is rather more than three times higher than the Australian continent’s highest peak.

In the Karakoram, however, many mountains are mightier than Spantik.

Pakistan has 108 peaks that exceed 7000 metres!

We are just-returned from an unforgettable trip which began in Delhi and concluded in Beijing.

Primarily, however, it was focused on Kashmir, the Karakoram and Kashgar.

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