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Tag: puppetry

Indonesia, 2024 (#25 in teaser series: “Wayang” without “shadow puppets”)



Most non-Indonesians who have any familiarity with the term Wayang think of it as a form of theatre which features so-called “shadow puppets”.

Wayang kulit – the form which involves “shadow puppets” – is in fact just one of Indonesia’s several kinds of Wayang theatre.

One of them does not directly involve any puppets.

Another – the kind pictured above – features highly skilled puppetry and puppet-making, but its puppets are very unlike their Wayang kulit counterparts.

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European surprises (#19 in single-image teaser series: wayang, far from Indonesia)


As will be more clear if you zoom in on/enlarge the featured image, it shows a very fine set of Indonesian “shadow” puppets, of the Wayang Kulit  kind.

Italy abounds with museums and galleries.

Not a few of them are excellent.

Some are truly singular, albeit highly likely to be crowded.

Often, they are an “embarrassment of riches” – altogether too much to be comprehended/appreciated properly in the space of a single visit.

Our nicest museum surprise in 2023 was Palermo’s Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum.

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