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Tag: Ralph Towner

Venerable dunes, with “Father Time” musical bonus (#19 in Namibia single-image series)


The Namib is generally considered the world’s oldest desert; certainly, it is many millions of years older than the Sahara.

Some of the Namib’s dunes are uncommonly stable, exquisitely coloured, remarkably tall.

Contrary to common belief – and to claims made by promoters of various African and Eurasian deserts – the world tallest dunes are not in Africa, nor Arabia, nor China; by a considerable margin, they are in South America.

The Namib’s “sand sea” is, however, singularly beautiful, most especially around Sossusvlei.

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“Timeless” 2 (#64 in “a shining moment” series)


This is a sequel to yesterday’s post, which addressed the very same tree and the same tune.

This post’s photo was taken a very few minutes after yesterday’s, in essentially the same conditions; “today’s” bark also sits on the lower trunk, and is less than a metre distant from “yesterday’s”.

The particular quartet responsible for “today’s” performance is a splendid foursome who never existed as a regular unit, nor ever made a studio album, as such.

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