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Tag: reptiles

Bigger than a Komodo Dragon – South Perth’s “big lizard” weighs 9 tonnes…

…and it’s “companion animal” is a 5.6 tonne numbat!

Together, they make one hell of an “entry statement” – or “exit statement” – for those who travel by ferry to and/or from the South Perth foreshore.

Not coincidentally, South Perth’s major attraction is Perth Zoo, which is within easy walking distance of the ferry station.

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Quirky moments (#8 in series: Madagascan lizard atop Madagascan “lizard”, with musical bonus)


Presumably, the living lizard had no sense of the pictured circumstance’s synchronicity, let alone any awareness that a human passer-by might find it quirky or amusing.

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“From behind” (#4 in single-image series: a Madagascan gecko)




Most gecko species are nocturnal.

The 50+ known species in the genus Phelsuma are an exception, as per their common name: day geckos.

If you are lucky enough to see a day gecko, you will be able to see it under natural light.

For most of these mostly very colourful species, if you wish to see them in the wild, you will have to visit Madagascar…

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