Leading by example: an Australian pelican, in South Australia’s Coorong National Park.
Comments closedNatural splendour, real musics, wines, wordpower
Leading by example: an Australian pelican, in South Australia’s Coorong National Park.
Comments closedThe featured image’s recreational fishers are at a location which is ever-shifting, but quite easy to reach.
The mouth of Australia’s longest river system is just a day trip away, if you live in Adelaide.
This is where the River Murray, the Coorong and the Southern Ocean meet…although the much-abused Murray-Darling system’s outflow is often so un-mighty that only dredging keeps its mouth open.
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Less than 100 metres distant is the mostly-dreary, seemingly never-ending sprawl of greater Adelaide’s southern suburbs.
Down here, however, the beach is still beautiful, and at low tide one can walk straight onto a reef where non-human life is abundantly evident.
Comments closedA teaspoon of sugar weighs around 4 grams; 3 teaspoons make up a tablespoon.
The bird in this post’s featured image weighs around 7 grams.
Imagine an old-fashioned set of scales with a 1 ounce weight in one bowl.
To “balance” those scales would require 4 such birds in the other bowl!
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Nowhere else near the coast between Sellicks Hill and Adelaide – a distance of more than 60 kilometres – can one stand within and look across such a “big” chunk of mostly-intact native bush.
Comments closedAll photos taken on morning of December 21, 2018, just a few minutes easy walk away from houses and streets.
Adelaide’s GPO is 50 kilometres away, within one hour’s driving time in non-rush hours.
These kangaroos are wild, not tame; for one of them, it seems, two ears are one too few.
Comments closedSeason’s greetings from Pelican Yoga.
The photographed bottoms were raised in pursuit of pipis…
Comments closedIts paradoxical nature is nowhere more spectacularly evident than at Second Valley – a South Australian “secret”…and a geological marvel.
One Comment16.12.2017 was a pleasant South Australian summer day.
At dusk, the sky over Aldinga Bay foreshadowed today’s unpleasantly hot weather.
When I downloaded this image, the cybergods surprised me, twice.