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Tag: Srinagar

Triple K “expedition” (#8 in teaser series: “vernacular” Kashmiri architecture)



They are in varying states of repair, but many striking examples of distinctive “traditional”/“vernacular” architecture still stand in Kashmir’s capital.

Such buildings typically employ both timber and bricks in their construction, and they have proved remarkably capable of withstanding earthquakes.

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Triple K “expedition”. (#3 in teaser series: arrival in Paradise)


Australian governmental advice says “do not travel” to this destination.

A great many tourists do go there, albeit very few “Westerners”; our group aside, we saw only a handful of “Caucasians”.

Over several days in Indian-controlled Kashmir, we saw many thousands of Indian tourists..and almost as many Indian soldiers and police.

Petty corruption and “checkpoints” are a nigh-constant annoyance – and the two are inextricably entwined – but at no time did we feel “unsafe”.

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