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Tag: Two Peoples Bay

Grand sands (#53 in series: “misread” dunes)


Some well-meaning 20th/21st century humans have viewed the pictured dunes as an unfortunate byproduct of 19th and/or 20th century overclearing and overgrazing.

In fact, this particular dune field was already part of the local landscape long before Europeans reached any part of Terra Australis.

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Grand sands (#15 in series: Little Beach, before the squall hits)


One of life’s great pleasures: to stand in sunshine, watching a storm form on the far side of a bay or lake.

It often includes a superb, entirely natural “light show”.

It is especially splendid when one is standing on the sands of Little Beach, looking across Two Peoples Bay, to Mt Manypeaks.

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Grand Sands (#14 in series: Two Peoples Bay)

A few of my favourite things…

Unusually white sand that squeaks when bare feet walk across it.

Unpolluted, refreshing cool, brilliantly blue water.

Magnificent vistas in which other humans and built structures are nowhere in sight, or just a small presence in an otherwise natural environment.

Anyone who loves the above – especially when they all co-exist in a place that is not hard  to reach – will surely love the south coast of Western Australia.

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Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all…

So begins a justly celebrated poem by Emily Dickinson.

In this post “hope” is viewed through photographic, musical and poetic “lenses”.


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