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Tag: wildlife

Squirrels, escapees, and tenuous connections (#42 in “a shining moment” series)


The pictured individuals are within their “proper” range, in Rajasthan.

(see #26 in this “a shining moment” series for details about the very special, particular location)

However, for more than a few years, feral members of their species lived in several suburbs of Perth, Western Australia.

At least three individuals did 160 kilometres “better”, reaching the Wheatbelt town of Pingelly!

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Thar Desert (#36 in “a shining moment” series)


No other large desert is so densely populated by humans.

Its remarkably abundant and diverse wildlife also defies preconceived notions of deserts as “empty” or “barren” places.

Most of the Thar Desert is in northwest India; the other 15% is in Pakistan.

The greater portion is in Rajasthan.

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Chital, Rajasthan (#26 in “a shining moment” series)


Widely regarded as the loveliest deer, the chital has a connection to the cheetah; it is not a predator-prey connection…in the present, at least.

Axis axis was also, in 1803, the very first deer species to be introduced to Australia.

The chital is one of the island continent’s longest-established feral animals.

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