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Tag: Xinjiang

Triple K “expedition” (#36 in teaser series: en route to the third “K”)



On 24 May 2024 we travelled from Tashkurgan (China’s westernmost substantial town) to Kashgar, aka “Kashi”.

For many centuries Kashgar – the third of our “expedition”’s three Ks – was a major hub on “The Silk Road”.

In the direction we drove, our route was the Karakoram Highway’s final 291 kilometres.

The Chinese section’s landscapes are generally less “vertiginous, on both sides” than are those along the Highway’s actually-Karakoram, Pakistan section.

From Tashkurgan through to Kashgar, vistas tend to be much wider, more likely to be rimmed by mountains rather than absolutely dominated by them.

Big mountains and glaciers are still abundant.

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