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Deep South WA, Feb ‘25 (#9 in series: fishing & fatherhood, with musical bonus)


“Stay here with Mom. Dad’s going fishing.”

In the pictured instance no such words had been spoken, nor contemplated.

It was a quiet delight to observe a father who so well understood that “joyful fishing is not just about catching fish”.



Father & daughter at the “secret beach”, immediately west of Anvil Beach, 10.48 am, 16 February 2025. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.




His daughter’s presence was welcomed.

He and she were always lovingly cognisant of each other, but neither was “inhibiting” the other.



Father & daughter at the “secret beach”, immediately west of Anvil Beach (which is the visible, sandy shore) 10.49 am, 16 February 2025. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.



The photos were taken, candidly, from a “secret” beach which my beloved and I almost always visit whenever we are in WA’s “Deep South” – the coastal part of what is officially labelled as “The Great Southern”.

This series’ next chapter will reveal more about the particular location.


Musical bonus

Whilst watching the pictured father and daughter I fondly recalled an appropriate instrumental, composed by its American acoustic guitarist Leo Kottke.

A Child Should Be A Fish is on his 1974 album Ice Water.

Cal Hand plays steel guitar.

Bill Peterson is the excellent acoustic bassist.



Published in instrumental music music nature and travel photographs Western Australia


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