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Quirky moments (#8 in series: Madagascan lizard atop Madagascan “lizard”, with musical bonus)


Presumably, the living lizard had no sense of the pictured circumstance’s synchronicity, let alone any awareness that a human passer-by might find it quirky or amusing.

By Madagascan standards, the pictured, living lizard is rather prosaic/ plain, as evidenced by a number of earlier posts.

Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken on 17 May 2018 in “our” hotel’s garden, Isalo National Park, southwestern Madagascar.

Click here for an overview of Isalo National Park, and this for an illustrated list of its amazing array of wildlife.

Madagascan musical bonus

Thirty years ago my ears first encountered the guitarist known as D’Gary. (Ernest Randrianasolo, born 1961)

Within thirty seconds I knew I was listening to an uncommonly original, highly virtuosic and very sensitive musician.

Almost by definition, if a brilliant guitarist happens to be Madagascan, his or her international profile will be smaller than that enjoyed by any similarly gifted American, European, or Australian player.

That said, almost by definition, anyone who has listened closely to D’Gary knows that he is  one of the world’s greatest acoustic guitarists.

This piece is from his 1997 album, Mbo Loza.



Published in 'non-western' musics, aka 'world music' Americas and Eurasia and Africa instrumental music music nature and travel photographs