All photos copyright Doug Spencer, taken on recent walks on local streets and footpaths.
The lovely, spacious musical bonus comes from the northern hemisphere…
On average, July is Perth’s wettest month, but it is more than a few years since this city last had a “properly wet” July.
As I type, on July 18, 2021, around 175 mm has already fallen – more than 30 mm above the average figure for all of July…and a deal more July 2021 rain is “on the way”.
Many Perth residents resent rain, yearn for dry, summery weather, and will resolutely refuse to go out/outside very much at all, until “good” weather regains its usual dominance.
By any reasonable standard, however, Perth temperatures are very mild, and the sun still shines for much of the time, even on “cloudy”/“rainy” days.

Often, many of this city’s introduced, deciduous trees only go into full “autumn” mode in June or July.

And – contrary to popular misconception – local/endemic flowering plants do not all opt to bloom in Spring.
Anyone lucky enough to live here enjoys easy access to living flowers, birds, and bees for at least 365 days of the year.
A winter’s day in Perth often feels and looks, equally, “Autumn, at last” and “Spring, already”.

American guitarist Bill Frisell’s Winter Always Turns to Spring was originally a “just Bill” performance on his 2000 album Ghost Town.
Frisell’s 2020 album Valentine is a trio affair, with bassist Thomas Morgan and drummer Rudy Royston:
So, so beautiful. Thank you for this post Doug.