…as Jon Kudelka has demonstrated in today’s edition of The Saturday Paper:

Here are two more of my favourite Kudelka cartoons:

The Saturday Paper lives here.
Click this for Kudelka’s Twitter feed.
Click here for a recent interview with Jon Kudelka.
This post concludes with a little extract from an earlier interview with him:
Name one person who makes your job easy?
Barnaby Joyce. If he didn’t exist, it would be necessary for cartoonists to invent a hat-wearing beetroot with an overinflated sense of self-importance only exceeded by its lack of self-awareness. The cartoonists of Australia thank you Barnaby, even if any remaining fish in the Murray-Darling do not.
If you would like to read a considered explanation of just why the taxation policies now co-sponsored by TweedleSco and TweedleAlbo are so dreadful for Australia’s future, click this.
All so well said, almost funny.